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The Virtual Meeting of the International Federations 2021

The Virtual Meeting of the International Federations 2021

متن خبر

The Virtual Meeting of the International Federations 2021 on May 25, 2021, with the presence of Thomas Bach (President of the International Olympic Committee), Rafael Chiuli (President of the World Association of International Sports Federations), Tadros Adhanum (Secretary General of the World Health Organization) and Mr. Ban Ki-Moon (Chairman of the International Olympic Committee Ethics and Secretary-General of the Eighth United Nations). Besides, Mr. Mahmoud Hashemi also attended the meeting as a member of the Board of Directors of the International Mountaineering Federation (UIAA).

The virtual forum, began at 9:00 a.m. (CET) with the main theme of "Lessons to Learn from the Global Crisis and Ways to Strengthen the Relationship between Sports and Communities," focused on "How to" 2021 Olympics "and" Health of individuals and participating athletes. Issues related to the requirements for athletes participating in the Olympics and basic issues for corona management and health were raised. The important challenges raised in this regard are as follows:


1- How many athletes will be vaccinated in the first place until the Olympics?


2- Will the various vaccines used in different countries of the world be approved and effective or not?


3. What is going to happen to athletes from countries whose vaccines have not been approved to participate in the Olympics?


The experiences of the presidents of some international federations that have held competitions over the past year are explained in terms of the obstacles they faced, the challenges they overcame, and the pros and cons of holding competitions. One of the most important issues raised among the experiences was the principle of setting health policies and guidelines and prioritizing it for competitions. The importance of digitalization and television products in the way events and competitions are held was also emphasized.

In addition to the above topics, one of the important topics of the 2021 International Federation of Virtual Meetings was entitled "Athletes' mental health". According to discussions, intermittent changes in health laws, policies, and protocols reduce athletes' motivation and anxiety. As a result, the stability of health laws and protocols was raised as one of the ways to maintain the mental health of athletes in this gathering. According to the interviews, providing mental health for athletes and coaches of all ages, especially young people, does not require significant costs and the only basic need is planning.

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اخبار استان ها
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البرز : برگزاری آزمون ورودی مدرسی پیشرفته ناوبری (GPS) به میزبانی هیئت استان البرز
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