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Health Instruction Manual for Eco-camps during the outbreak of Corona Virus

This Manual is based on Spilet Alborz travel Company’s many years of experience in organizing camping tours ...

1399/03/09 روابط بین الملل|روابط بین الملل
متن خبر

This Manual is based on Spilet Alborz travel Company’s many years of experience in organizing camping tours and also deep review of WHO’s instructions in the field of Travel, World Tourism Organization directions on Covid 19 and “Smart Travel Health Protocol” approved by Ministry of Cultural Heritage, Tourism and Handicrafts.

Accommodation services:

·        Upon arrival each climber should be given a disinfectant Spray to be refilled during their stay if necessary.

·        Accommodation in tents is in the form of single accommodation, except for people who have already booked together. When booking, fellow travelers who are not living together should be advised to book separate tents for their stay. The management of the eco-camp shall not put strangers together in one tent under any circumstances.

·        In the tent, other than an underlay no other facilities should be provided including sheets and blankets. In case of noticing any signs of illness in a climber, the underlay should be washed and disinfected after they leave.

·        After the climber leaves the eco-camp, the interior of the tent, the zippers, and outside surfaces of tent that are touched often, should be disinfected by spraying.

·        After disinfection, the tent zippers should remain open in order to air tent’s interior space.

·        Regarding the way of collecting and discharging waste, the utmost care and personal protection must be employed and the bag inside the garbage bins should be changed regularly.

Eco-camp public space services including dining tents, kitchen and toilets:

·        All staff at the eco-camp are required to wear a mask, gloves and clean uniforms while working for personal protection.

·        If a climber showed any sign of being ill, they should be asked not to go to the dining tent and instead be served food in their private tent. 

·        A number of protective equipment such as masks and extra gloves should be available at the eco-camp and given to the climber in case of observing illness symptoms.

·        In order to focus on providing sanitary services, climber’s access to the dining tent spaces should be properly limited so that they remain in their own tents as much as possible.

·        In the dining tent, the chairs should be arranged at a distance of 1.5 meters from each other. If necessary, there will be different shifts for eating at the dining tent.

·        Hand sanitizer should be available on the tables so that climbers can disinfect their hands if they wish.

·        The use of public utensils, equipment and dishes exposed to contamination must be limited. Tablecloth are not to be used in order to allow for easy disinfection of table surfaces, or only disposable tablecloths can be used.

·        Climbers should use their own plaits, spoons, forks, and glasses, or be given a full set on arrival, and be asked to wash their own dishes throughout their stay at the eco-camp. The eco-camp should provide enough water and washing liquid, always available for climber’s use.

·        Food, salads and snacks should not be served as a buffet. Meals and snacks should be served directly in the climber's container or in packaged form.

·        The bread is to be placed in a plastic bag or wrapped in cellophane.

·        A tissue paper box should sit next to the tea flask and the climbers must be asked through a written instruction installed in a suitable and visible place, to avoid directly touching the flask by using a tissue paper

·        The standard cooking temperature for all food must be carefully observed.

·        A hot transfer chain for food should be provided as much as possible so that it stays warm until serving in the dining tent. Food containers must be taken from kitchen tents to dining tents with utmost care to prevent any secondary contamination.

·        Regarding the long-term viability of the virus on steel surfaces, cautions should be employed in disinfecting steel equipment in the kitchen tent.‏

·        The option to serve food in private tents should be available.

·        Public tents, such as dining tent, kitchen, and toilets, especially in areas and surfaces that are touched often, must be disinfected by spraying several times a day.

·        Mountaineers' backpacks must be packed in a protective carrying sacks before being transported by mule or pickup truck.

ثبت نظرات

دیدگاه های ارسال شده توسط شما، پس از تایید توسط فدراسيون کوه نوردی و صعودهای ورزشی جمهوری اسلامی ايران در وب سایت منتشر خواهد شد. پیام هایی که حاوی تهمت یا افترا باشد منتشر نخواهد شد.

اخبار استان ها
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مرکزی : گزارش تصویری / افتتاحیه سالن تخصصی سنگ‌نوردی شهرستان ساوه / ۱۶ اسفندماه ۱۴۰۳
فارس : گزارش تصویری / مراسم تجلیل از کوه‌نوردان تیم جست‌وجو هیئت فارس در عملیات جستجوی کو‌نوردان فقید لارستانی
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البرز : سومین همایش تجلیل از قهرمانان، پیشکسوتان و فعالین عرصه کوه‌نوردی / استان البرز / ۲۰ اسفند ۱۴۰۳
بوشهر : مجمع انتخابی رئیس هیئت استان بوشهر برگزار و «مسعود احمد زاده» انتخاب شد
اخبار استان ها
مشاهده همه
یزد : آگهی انتخابات هیئت کوه‌نوردی و صعودهای ورزشی استان «یزد»
البرز : گزارش تصویری / سومین مراسم تجلیل ازقهرمانان و فعالین۱۴۰۳هیئت کوه‌نوردی و صعودهای ورزشی استان البرز
ایلام : تحویل احکام راهنمایان کوهستان استان‌ «ایلام»
کهگیلویه و بویراحمد : گزارش تصویری فعالیتهای محیط زیستی هیئت کوه‌نوردی و صعودهای ورزشی استان کهگیلویه و بویراحمد
چهارمحال و بختیاری : استقبال از بهار با پاکسازی محیط زیست در طرح «همه با هم به استقبال بهار» با مشارکت کوه‌نوردان استان چهار محال و بختیاری
مرکزی : گزارش تصویری / افتتاحیه سالن تخصصی سنگ‌نوردی شهرستان ساوه / ۱۶ اسفندماه ۱۴۰۳
فارس : گزارش تصویری / مراسم تجلیل از کوه‌نوردان تیم جست‌وجو هیئت فارس در عملیات جستجوی کو‌نوردان فقید لارستانی
فارس : برگزاری همایش گزارش‌خوانی سید «علی‌رضا کشفی» در صعود به قله «برودپیک» با حضور دبیرکل فدراسیون در شیراز
البرز : سومین همایش تجلیل از قهرمانان، پیشکسوتان و فعالین عرصه کوه‌نوردی / استان البرز / ۲۰ اسفند ۱۴۰۳
بوشهر : مجمع انتخابی رئیس هیئت استان بوشهر برگزار و «مسعود احمد زاده» انتخاب شد